I have done it again. I am back to school and I smile as my name is mispronounced by my Professor during the roll call and as I awkwardly say hello and introduce myself to the person sitting next to me.
Once a student, always a student – my mom says. It was in one of my school applications that I mentioned my constant thirst for knowledge. No matter what path I try to take with my career it leads me back to pursuing the highest academic degree possible and I am on my way! The road to the PhD is long and so I am taking it just one step at a time. After all, it is the journey that counts not the destination.
I feel refreshed. I am ready to absorb new theories, historic contradictions and classroom debates. I look forward to taking up and tackling the challenges of the ‘difficult’ professors and late nights of papers due the next morning.
Why am I studying public administration? The answer – I am the kind of person that sets a goal and does everything in my power within my spectrum of vision and knowledge to accomplish it. I am the implementator (new word) of my own dreams – and that is so far my proudest realization.
After considering architecture, graphic design, marketing and financial services I turned to the legal world. As an immigrant child my goal was to make my parents proud and prove to them that their brave move to a whole new country with a different culture and language was worth the trip. What parent would be disappointed when their precious one declares that they want to become an attorney? So I did – for my parents – with no afterthought about its hardships.
It was empowering – I was slowly discovering that I can do ANYTHING. More so, I had a newly found curiosity about the kind of contribution I can make to a public interest cause and international possibilities that await for me. So while I struggle and search through my way on becoming the founder of a non-profit organization and a professor I will enjoy the idea that the sky is truly the limit and that possibilities are limitless. I am on my way to fulfilling the American Dream.