This reminds me of an introduction to Kabbalah
Even if we are sad or scared, we can smile in a way that brightens up the day and makes it seem like anything is possible. We sacrifice for our parents, our children and our partners in crime. Even if we know the truth, we sometimes know it is better not to say anything about something that is false. We have unlimited reserves of energy and the sky is the limit ambitions, yet we have the patience to let our men do their own thing.
No matter how many hats we wear day-in and day-out we always manage to be able to fit in one more. Multi-tasking is an understatement. It's not just about what we do. It is the grace, the discretion and the force with which we do it.
Sometimes we admit it. Sometimes we don't. Sometimes we realize it, but sometimes we don't. We gently persuade, flirt and ultimately strategize everything from a shopping spree, to our next promotion or nonprofit business venture. Most importantly, we do an amazing job with it.
I am proud because we, simply, rock.