Friday, April 15, 2011

The smile vow.

A reminder (to self mostly). If you put positive energy and smiling attitudes out into the universe, what may actually happen is the same burst to the power of a multiple multiples in return.

Who said that 1+1=2? :)

Mathematics aside. Philosophies neatly sitting to the left. Psychology lightly nudging from the back. Medicine being a whole different universe -- happiness, brought on by smiling, can be and should be viral.

I enjoy smiling. It is a simple physical act that has limitless power. It can vary from an emergence of dimples, to a full-on showing of pearly whites. We see it, we know it, it comes naturally. We don't need a textbook or a manual to tell us how to do it.

Early in the morning as you're making your short trip from the subway to the office, it can set the state of mind for the rest of the day. Usually the sun reaching through the empty spaces between the buildings, the branches and the leaves makes it all too easy. The sun rays play hide and seek with you as you're walking through the City Hall Park. How can you not smile?

Late in the evening after a stressful, one of those days, day it can make you forget about all your troubles. The prompt may be a glimpse of a moment as a couple is reaching to hold each other's hand. It may be the tiny little fingers of your soon to be toddler that grip your neck with as much strength and excitement as they can, because they missed you after a full day's activities.

A smile has the power to cure and the power to enforce. It has a tendency to spread, rapidly. It trenscends cultural, national, religious and personal barriers. You can see it as you pass a Coca Cola sign in the middle of a dirt road through the jungles, forests and mountains of Costa Rica. It creeps up on you as you watch GREEN M&M in action on television during Super Bowl. Next time you're at an airport, hesitate for an observation of the arrivals lounge. You'll be sure to see smiling faces as they've found familiar faces coming out of baggage claim.

Smile today! I bet you'll get a smile in return.

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