Thursday, September 22, 2011

Serenity Now!

Remember that time, back when there was always some event or activity or person to be soooooo excited about? When you added those extra “o”s because it wasn’t just exciting, it was soooooooooo exciting!

So and so’s birthday is next month, PARTAY! Drinks after work, 4:59pm, time to GO! Can you believe I met HIM on the train???

I recently realized that even though celebrations, outings and happenstance encounters are still a big part of our lives, what keeps us going, laughing, smiling and what keeps us checking our calendars regularly. That “sooooo excited” feeling, has somehow transformed and has been substituted with “life is good” feeling. The excitement has certainly gone down a notch or two.

Am I wrong?

Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It is only natural that when you’re young, you can’t get enough of everything, all the new places, things and people to see, touch, eat, smell, meet, kiss and travel to. When you’re no longer young but young-ish, and slightly wiser (let’s just say for argument’s sake), it’s not about what’s next, but more so about now, while keeping the eye on the next.

Don’t get me wrong, we still plan, expect and look forward to. Only now, those feelings lack that immediacy. Is it because most of us have already felt some drawbacks in life? Have we learned to expect more cautiously? Or is it because we can feel happy and content even if life hasn’t turned out exactly how we thought it would?

- How do you make God laugh?
- You make a plan.

So it’s almost as if we’re experienced enough to know that this PARTAY is not the end of, or the top of, or the best of, or most exciting of life’s bestest, most beautiful, meaningful or precious moments.

My life is not perfect, but life is good. All I ask is a peace of mind and some LOL moments, no matter where, when or with whom.

Happenstance and serenity! (Just because I like those two words)

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