My friend asks about one of my many projects: “When did you do this?”
In my favorite words of Kramer I respond with a smile: “In my spare time.”
We are students, professionals, parents, siblings, sports enthusiasts, blog writers. Do you ever wonder how much one human being can actually do? Can we handle all the different titles that we give ourselves, or that are given to us by others in the family, among friends, by our colleagues or gym-bodies?
How do we do it all?
Well, some do it all because they feel that they may not have any other option. The sense of obligation and responsibility are a big and important part of any healthy adult life. It is actually easier to get something done when you don’t even have to think about whether you want to do it or not, or whether you have the time to or not.
I do it, because it gives me a sense of purpose and life balance. I like to explore all I can do with my hands – painting, sewing, playing basketball, writing. I like to see ideas come to life, even one step at a time and even if they turn out to be not such good ideas after all. Otherwise what is the point of having them?
Taking a risk with a job or a relationship is an independent and personal choice. Nevertheless, it reminds us to review our life and our priorities. What have we done so far? Where are we now? Where do we want to be in the future? As we add one thing or another, or substitute a third thing for the first, we make life happen. That’s all that counts in my book.
Explore your potential, your ideas, and your dreams. Add little things to your life that you always wanted to happen, and before you know it you’ll be living a life you’ve always wanted.
Nike is right, “just do it!”
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