How much stuff do you have lying around your house or apartment? Isn't it the stuff that make your home, your home and noone else's? No wonder psychologists consider the experience of moving as one of the most traumatic experiences of one's life. Mostly because no matter how excited you may be about your new home, you first have to get through all the stuff of your old one. This is the time that you dig up that Valentine's Day card
It's the picture frames
Without all this good stuff, your new apartment/house just looks plain empty. It craves all that stuff to be spread across the shelves, the fireplace, the counter, the walls and the side tables. It is also a good excuse to get all that new good stuff, as your old stuff sleeps away in the garage or the storage space. ($1 for first month storage?) It is this good stuff, old or new, that truly says "Welcome Home"!
this is very moving and actually made me tear up more than the move itself :)