Fine, today was really dangerous as ice and sleet covered many of the sidewalk corners of NYC streets and helped pedestrians to fall. Generally, however, even as recently as Monday, why are New Yorkers so grudgingly surprised about a snowy winter? This ain’t no Florida. If you want warmer climate, then feel free to move to a warmer climate. There are plenty of them out there, and they do not require international travel.
Personally, I prefer snowy winters to earthquakes in Northern California, or Hurricanes of the South Florida. In fact, it was this winter of 2010/2011 and all of its 8 winter storms (and counting) that I realized how much I really missed snow. I am talking about the real kind, the kind that you can build a snowman/woman with, ride the slay and have a snowball fight with. I especially like the fluffy snowflakes that suddenly and gently fall from the sky as you’re suppressing the urge to catch them with an open mouth.
Perhaps I am alone in this, and am one of the very few that associate snow and winter fun with childhood memories and friends. For me these happened to be across the big Atlantic Ocean somewhere on the outskirts of Eastern Europe. These are memories of truly harsh winters, food shortages, power outages and dark tree trunks covered in icicles, all under a gray and fierce sky. Despite all that, I smile as I remember my childhood best friends and the neighborhood kids as we all spent our snowy weekends outside in the courtyard.
All the seasons are beautiful and with all the evidence of a global climate change, we should really cherish them. That being said, I am ecstatic that Spring will be coming early, according to Punxsutawney Phil . I wonder how many inches of snow the groundhog had to dig before appearing?
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